
Weightlifting Competition

WA State Fitness EXPO

Weightlifting Competition  – Free competitor entry & free fitness expo ticket

Wa State Fitness Expo – presented by Gargoyle Crossfit.

gargoyle crossfit
gargoyle crossfit

Event Date – Aug 4th 2018
Location – Wa state Fitness Expo, Auburn high school,  702 4th Street N.E. Auburn , WA 98002
Time – 9am – 6pm Come by the Gargoyle Crossfit exhibitor area (in front of the Auburn P.A.C) anytime between 9am – 6pm to log your best Clean and Jerk.

Awards for top man and top woman.

Redeem your Free Expo ticket and come watch or compete in the Clean and Jerk competition presented by Gargoyle Crossfit..

Click Here to Redeem FREE Fitness EXPO spectator TICKETS  

Competitors To Enter:

  1. Register through the form below for Free to receive your free Expo
  2. Come by the Gargoyle Crossfit area (in front of the Auburn P.A.C) anytime between 9am – 6pm to log your best Clean and Jerk.
  3. Lift will be recorded on reader board through out the day.

This is a fun event. come by and enjoy the Wa State Fitness Expo vendors and events.

  • Big Boys Filipino Food truck on site.

Register below to participate in Gargoyle Crossfit’s FUN Summer clean and jerk weightliftin competiton for free and receive your free ticket to the WA State Fitness Expo as well.

WA State Fitness EXPO

Rice bowls and burritos with Filipino marinated meats. BIG BOYS 2064369424 @iwantsomebigboys www.iwantsomebigboys.com
Rice bowls and burritos with Filipino marinated meats.
Rice bowls and burritos with Filipino marinated meats. BIG BOYS 2064369424 @iwantsomebigboys www.iwantsomebigboys.com
Rice bowls and burritos with Filipino marinated meats.